LTL Partnerships - Invoicing Questions



If you are a shipper who booked a shipment through one of our partner integrations and has questions about their invoice, this article is for you!

Viewing & Finding Invoices

  • If you are trying to view your invoice you can navigate to your MyShipments page and search for the BOL under your completed shipments. From there you can click the 3 dot dropdown on the right of the shipment and click "View Invoice"


Understanding Additional Charges

  • If there is a difference between the original quote and final invoice amount this could be for a variety of reasons
  • When your invoice was processed you received an email with a link to the invoice as well as a listing of reasons for the additional charges. You can find this email by searching for the BOL number in question in your inbox
  • Alternatively to find and investigate the invoice you can use the view / find invoice process above to locate the invoice and investigate the differences on the invoice itself

Disputing Additional Charges

  • If you would like to dispute an invoice sent from the LTL Carrier we are happy to help! Please see this helpful link to learn more and get started.

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