Can my drivers use eBOL?


Yes. Share the Grant eBOL Access link to allow anyone who transports your loads to complete the eBOL verification.

After booking the shipment, you will see a message stating that eBOL is required and a link you can share with drivers. From here, you can copy the URL and email or text it to your driver to give full access to complete the eBOL through their mobile browser. Likewise, you can click the Send eBOL To A Driver link on the status page to copy and share this link.

When your driver arrives at the pickup location, they will use the uShip app to:

  • Write down any notes or extra information about the shipment.
  • Take at least one photo of the shipment
  • Sign off on the pickup details with the shipping contact.

They'll use the same link you shared with them to complete eBOL at the delivery location with the contact who receives your shipment. The shared link only applies to this one shipment and will expire after 90 days.

After delivery, a PDF of these details will be made available for download for both the carrier and the uShip customer from the Shipment Listing page.

For a full walkthrough for drivers to use, please see eBOL for Drivers.




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