How Do I Add Signatures to eBOL?


After adding notes and reviewing them with the pickup or delivery contact, you can save the information and sign off on the shipment. If signatures cannot be obtained, please see our article on What if no one is present to sign at the pickup or delivery location?
Note: After signing off, the details will be locked and can’t be edited.

To add signatures:

  1. At the bottom of the Pickup/Delivery Details view, tap Save Pickup Information / Save Delivery Information.
  2. You’ll be prompted to show the shipping contact to review the photos and notes you’ve taken for review. Make any updates, if necessary.
  3. Once the information has been reviewed, have the shipping contact tap Approve and Sign. The Shipping Contact signature view appears.
  4. Have the shipping contact sign on the screen.To change the shipping contact’s name, tap Edit Name at the top of the view. To clear the signature, tap Redo.
  5. After signing, tap Done Signing. The shipping contact will be prompted to return the device to you.
  6. After dismissing the message, the Transporter signature view will display. Sign on the screen. To change the transporter name, tap Edit Name at the top of the view. To clear the signature, tap Redo.
  7. After signing, tap Done Signing
  8. The Pickup confirmation / Delivery confirmation view displays. Tap Done to finish.

These details can be viewed in the app later from the Shipment Listing view. Filter by tapping Transit Status > Picked Up or Transit Status > Delivered.

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