Adding MC/DOT Numbers & SaferWatch Monitoring
uShip requires all carriers on our platform to hold a valid DOT number. If you need more information on how to obtain a valid DOT, visit Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) website: Getting Started with Registration. uShip verifies valid DOT by partnering with the company Carrier Details. At time of DOT verification, we will also verify if you have an associated MC number. If you do not have a valid MC you can still proceed with registration, but you will not be able to bid on shipments in certain categories without obtaining a valid MC number. You can update this information later in your settings.
For carriers who have MC numbers with either common or contact authority, uShip works with SaferWatch and their insurance monitoring partner, Assure Assist, to ensure accurate authority and safety information is imported from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Brokers cannot be monitored at this time.
uShip gives SaferWatch monitored carriers exclusive access to brokered loads and Ritchie Bros shipments within the United States.
To add your authority, you'll need to edit your profile, then scroll down to Enter operating authority and other licenses.
- If you're a broker, you'll see the option to enter your broker MC# on this page.
- If you're a carrier, select the Verify & Add option, enter your information, then click Import. uShip will import your authority details directly from the FMCSA, and in most cases, we'll call the registered phone number to verify that you're authorized to use the credentials you've entered.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to continue perusing our Help Center or contact our Member Support team by clicking here.