Trade Show Shipments


Shipping to and from trade shows is an option with select LTL carriers. Select Trade Show as your pickup or delivery location type and the appropriate trade show friendly carriers will quote on the shipment and the price will include trade show fees.

Trade show contacts by carrier:

  • SAIA LTL Freight - 1-888-536-5699 

  • XPO - 1-800-755-2728 speak to local terminal for all issues/questions

Below are some helpful hints and information for shipping to/from a trade show:

  • Customer is responsible for entering all necessary both/show information on the BOL. What is required for this type of information varies by show so uShip takes no responsibility for knowing what is necessary.

  • Detention charges are possible due to excessive wait times at trade show pickup and delivery locations. 

  • Important tips for shipping TO a show:

    • Ship your booth to the show early. Carriers often offer free storage at local terminal before the show move-in date. Make sure your bill of lading and shipping labels are clearly marked with this important information:

      • Exhibitor name

      • Booth number

      • Show name

      Note: More than one trade show often is in progress at a site. It is critical to have this important information on your shipping labels.

    • Clearly mark each piece of freight with the same information as you included on your bill of lading. Be sure to remove old labels and be creative about how you mark your packaging. Use packaging that can be identified from a distance (i.e., different-colored shrink-wrap).

    • Include your contact information in your shipment
      It’s always a good idea when you are shipping to or from a show to put your business card in each shipping container to help identify piece(s) that may become separated from the shipment. If the inbound shipment is going directly to the show site, advise your carrier of the show’s “move-in” hours and let them know whether your shipment is a targeted booth for a specified “move-in” date or time.

  • Important tips for shipping FROM a show:

    • Most general contractors require that you use their bills of lading (Material Handling Agreement) when shipping from a show to ensure that you have a clear invoice. When giving them the uShip bill of lading, make sure that you correctly transfer all information, including your transportation provider selection. You must remove all old shipping labels before shipping from a show. Each shipping unit should have a minimum of two shipping labels.

    • Specify on the show contractor’s bill of lading whether the destination delivery requires an appointment, liftgate service or inside delivery when shipping from a show. This will help the delivering terminal make the required arrangements while the shipment is enroute, so delivery can occur on time.

    • Make sure all responsible third-party information is completed on the outbound bill of lading at the show site. Also, ensure the name(s) and contact phone number(s) on the bill of lading are complete. Drop your business card into each shipping container when shipping from a show to help identify piece(s) that may become separated from your shipment.

If you have additional questions regarding terminal drop-offs or pickups, please feel free to contact our LTL Commercial Support team. Email here or call 888-579-1240.

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